
Oh. My. Word.

I loved that movie. I haven't been that anxious during a movie since I saw Signs. I'll try to explain what I liked without giving the movie away...

First of all, it wasn't a formulaic Hollywood script. Things happened that you almost never see in movies these days. (Almost) no miraculous escapes, nobody is safe, and nobody is stupid for the sake of the plot.

Second, while the hand-held camera work nauseated me a few times (I don't do shaky-cam well), it wasn't distracting and unnatural (hello zoomy-cam...worst filming technique ever!). It felt like somebody was actually filming with a camcorder instead of someone trying to appear that they are filming with a camcorder.

Third, they stuck with the premise the entire time. No unnecessary exposition, no epilogue. It was cool.

What was not so cool were the dorkwad teenagers who felt they had to comment on the movie, to the point that I actually spoke up and told them shut their stupid mouths.

Like I said, I liked the movie, but I disclaim any responsibility should you choose to see it. If you hate it, well, sorry.