Sleep and motivation
This week I've been really bad about getting to bed on time. I've been pushing midnight almost every night and I get up for work at 7. Sure, for most people 7 hours of sleep is plenty, but I've never been able to sustain that for long. Guess I'm just weird.
Anyway, today it was really hard to push myself out of bed, and I've kind of been dragging all day. When I went for my run I just couldn't get motivated. I tried to push myself, but still only ended going the distance I did my first few days.
I contrast that to last week, when I was in bed promptly by 10 and up at 6-ish. I was full of energy and upbeat all week. I'd never really noticed the correlation until today, but man, what a difference.
I also didn't have a great breakfast today. (a delicious bowl of sugar that was forcefully rejected by my stomach as soon as I got to work)
I can see the wisdom in the old 'early to bed, early to rise' platitude. Now let's see if I do anything about it.