Man, I'm older than I thought
So, with all this talk about the new Indiana Jones movie, I've seen discussion about how a large portion of the movie-going public didn't even see the Last Crusade in the theater. I mean, it came out in 1989...that's 19 years ago!
I saw the Last Crusade with my family in 70mm at the Cine Dome in Ogden. I remember it quite clearly. The other big movie that I remember seeing there with my family was Return of the Jedi, but dig this...that came out in 1983! That's 25 years ago!
I watched A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back on our beta tapes until they were worn out. Going to see Return of the Jedi in all its projected goodness was awesome! Granted, I was only 7 at the time, but I still remember where our seats were.
How stinking old am I? I mean, there are college graduates born after Return of the Jedi came out, and I saw it in the first theatrical release.
Sort of depressing when you think about it.