Expand your mind
Another excellent post on Zen Habits. This one discussing expanding your mind and recovering from brain rot.
Some time last year I suddenly had a flash of revelation that went something like this: "you are wasting your life in front of the TV."
It was true, and I knew it. And so, I made a quick mental note of some things I wanted to do after work besides watch TV. I had been putting off finishing one of my stories, so I took a few evenings and did that. I found some good Lisp references and started reading up. I went to the library and checked out a book to read during lunch.
That feeling of "time forever slipping away" has been reined in and I'm feeling pretty good about things. I'm not exactly following the list presented in the article, but I think I'm sort of coming in line with it.
Sure, there's always room for improvement, but things are better than they were.