Lucky me
It's rumbles past day after day and it's easy to fall into a rut...or at least a rhythm. Every day starts feeling like the one before and when you look back it's all kind of a blur. And then something happens to shake it all up.
Today was that day. It started out standard up, went to work, came home for lunch, went back to work...the same thing I do every day, but then I got a call from Jena that I needed to come home and give an emergency blessing. Suddenly I'm rewinding the last few days and weeks and checking for things I shouldn't have done. You know the drill. I was happy to see that even though I was in a bit of a rut, it was a good clean one and I could worthily fulfil my duties.
What a relief...I've got a loooong way to go, but today I feel like I may at least be headed in the right direction